Volunteer as a Careers at Sea Ambassador
Want to inspire a new generation of seafarers and put something back into the shipping industry? If you’re working, or have worked, in the Merchant Navy, then volunteering as a Careers at Sea Ambassador could be right up your street.
This important role involves visiting schools, youth groups or other local community groups to deliver our inspirational Careers at Sea presentation. This could either be as an individual talk at a special careers event, or in a classroom setting (i.e. PSHE/Careers lessons).
We provide all the supporting resources you’ll need, from video clips, quiz questions and information about Merchant Navy careers, to education/training opportunities and entry requirements. Plus, there’s a raft of helpful extras, such as promotional brochures, pens, badges and posters.
Keen to take part? Please email us to register your interest: enquiry@careersatsea.org